User guide and methods details for CatCostâ„¢ Excel and Web Versions:
CatCost_v1-1-0_User_Guide.pdf (2.8 MB)
CatCostâ„¢ Excel spreadsheet (version 1.1.0) and current user guide (zip archive): (2.9 MB)
CatCostâ„¢ Excel spreadsheet (version 1.1.0) only:
CatCost_v1-1-0.xlsx (0.7 MB)
Earlier versions: CatCost spreadsheet downloads on ChemCatBio Data Hub
The spreadsheet version of CatCost has been tested on Microsoft Excel 2016/2019 (Office 365 / Excel v16), Excel 2013 (Excel v15), and Excel for Mac 2011 (Excel v14). For best results, please use Excel 2016/2019 as available through Office 365. Earlier versions may give unexpected results.
See changes introduced in each version of CatCost in the release notes.